Είμαι πολύ δυσαρεστημένη…
I am very disappointed with the youth of today – they do not respect nature. They leave there rubbish wherever they find themselves and pollute the beaches and the natural spaces in the area by throwing their rubbish whilst on their motorbikes or out of the car window . Some of these teenagers are not old enough to be driving and speeding whilst driving . They have caused some serious damage to the stone framework between the two beaches in the area , they remove the big stone structures, they throw them in the air and let them crash on the nearby rocks . This is polluting the clean water, and the beauty of the area from the natural rocks is now ruined . This new game has been going on for a week and the parents of some of these children work for the government . Is this what they are taught at home and at school ? To destroy their future ? Des.